Have you ever wanted to use Pixel Art Mystery Pictures with your students on Google Sheets™ but you don’t have Google Classroom? Well, now you can with my handy guide on how to use pixel art activities without Google Classroom.
You will need to make sure that you have access to your own Google Drive and that your students have access to the Internet.
This will be slower than setting on Google Classroom, but I promise you I have worked out all the details for you to make this process as quick and efficient as possible.
How do I use Pixel Art activites without Google Classroom?
1. Create a folder for your class. Change the sharing options to “Anyone with the link can edit.” This way it automatically makes all of the files in that folder the same, and you don’t have to change them one by one.

2. Make a copy of your master Pixel Art Sheet and move it into the class folder.
3. Create as many copies as you have students. A Quick way to do this is to is as follows:
- Right click to make a copy of the first item – you will have 2 files.
- Click and drag to select both files, then right click > Make a copy – now you have 4
- Click and drag to select all files(or hold CTRL, then press A and it will select everything), then right click > Make a copy – now you have 8
- Repeat the steps above to double the number of files you have – do so until you have enough for your class
4. Click the button below to make a copy of the spreadsheet where you will store the links for your students.
6. Select all the sheets in your class folder Right Click>Share>Copy Links.

7. Go to the spreadsheet copy you just made, “Copy of Google Links For Students without Google Classroom”, right click on the yellow cell >Paste.

8. The cells in column B go blue with an underline. This means they have a link associated.

9. Change NAME1, NAME2 Etc. in the left column (column A) to your students’ names (hopefully you could copy and paste these in one go from somewhere. You can add more underneath the NAME9 if you need to).
At this point, you may want to rename this Google Sheet with the name of your activity to find it again easily later.
10. Click the share button in the top right. Change the settings to “Anyone with the link” >”Can View” Then click “copy link”. Share this link with your students. They will only be able to click on the links, they won’t be able to edit the sheet.

11. Once your students open the “Google Links for Students without Google Classroom” sheet that you have shared with them, they should click on their own name and the link will take them to their own copy of the pixel art.
12. When they open their sheet – get them to rename it with their name to start with (to save you a job).